"And the twelve gates were twelve pearls; every several gate was of one pearl: and the street of the city was pure gold, as it were transparent glass." Revelation 21:21
Bible Girls .com
Where Jesus Christ is Lord!
There is a wonderful new website called SPOTIFY.
Spotify is a modern website with a massive amount of all the music and songs from around the entire world on it. It is free to join this website, but when you join free you may from time to time have to endure listening to adverts interrupting your chosen song or music choice. You can pay to join and the adverts will be taken away if you can afford this.
About the PRAISE section here:
Many of the pages in the Bible Girls Praise Section, use a display showing an album by a singer, but only part of the song is there when you click it. These "taster" album displays will then give you a button to press to go to SPOTIFY to hear the entire song if you so desire. These "Taster Menus" of Albums allow you to explore what you want to hear.
This is an example of a "Taster Menu"
of the Keith Green album
"For him who has ears to hear"
press the song title to get a taste of what the song is like.
To stop the song playing press the two lines display
To join Spotify FREE simply press this button and follow their sign-up instructions. REMEMBER you do not have to pay to join, paying is just an option.
Or find their online website yourself